Why can’t your family doctor issue a “medical certificate”?
A medical certificate is a written statement that contains an opinion about you as a patient and your (medical) fitness or inability to do certain things. Examples are: being able to work, drive a car, go to school, take good care of children, travel or be entitled to a parking permit or adapted housing. Only by an independent general practitioner
Such medical certificates may only be issued by an independent general practitioner, not your “own” general practitioner. Such a doctor can make his or her own assessment of your situation. If you give permission, that family doctor can also request additional information from your treating family doctor(s).
What is the reason for this?
The general practitioner treating you must be able to concentrate on your treatment. A good relationship of trust with you is important for this. That relationship of trust can be jeopardized when your general practitioner gives an opinion that is unfavorable to you. It is important that you and your general practitioner will not get conflicted because of this. Therefore, there must be a clear boundary between treatment and assessing your eligibility for certain services. In this way, nothing prevents you from giving your general practitioner all the information necessary for your treatment. It is also important for you that the assessment be done by a doctor who is familiar with the specific requirements for assigning the facility you are applying for. Your own general practitioner does not have all the knowledge about this. This also makes it impossible for your own general practitioner to give a proper judgment.
What can you do to get a medical certificate?
- You can inquire with the authority requesting the medical certificate whether it is sufficient if you provide a statement about your health status yourself, possibly in the form of a questionnaire to be completed by yourself;
- You can ask your general practitioner for a copy of that part of your medical record that contains certain important facts about your health condition. For example, the results of a walking test, the results of a measurement of your eyesight, etc. You can then send these to the authority requesting a medical certificate;
- For the necessary assessment, you can turn to an expert doctor who is not treating you. This doctor can also request factual information about your health condition from your general practitioner and use this information in his assessment. This is only allowed with your permission.
- You can ask the agency that requires you to obtain a medical certificate from you if they will arrange for an independent general practitioner for you.
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Source: KNMG