Our sparkle caregivers
Your caregivers.
Only international caregivers work at Fonkelzorg International, especially for you. So even your family doctor has a mother tongue other than Dutch! Just like the assistants you get on the phone when you call for an appointment. We believe this contributes to better family doctor care because you can explain in your own language what is going on. There is no language barrier. In addition, these people understand the differences between care in your home country and the Netherlands. That makes a big difference!
The caregiver receiving you speaks your native language or else we will arrange for one of our assistants to be present online as an interpreter. Or you both speak English, that’s also possible. In any case, we always provide a suitable solution so that you get the best care.
We are happy to introduce ourselves to you!

Kseniia Mazanko
healthcare provider
Kseniia comes from Ukraine where she studied medicine, but now no longer wants to live because of the war. In the Netherlands, she has found a new home. 🙏
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English and a little Dutch.

Addy Alcocer
healthcare provider
Addy is from Mexico where she worked as a general practitioner for 10 years. She emigrated to the Netherlands for the love ❤️ and has lived in the Netherlands since 2024.
Languages: Spanish, English and a little Dutch.

Kasia Cox
physician assistant International
Kasia is from Poland, has lived in the Netherlands since 2002. She moved here for love. ❤️ She took the triage training at Fonkelzorg.
Languages: Polish, Dutch and reasonable English.

Izabela Mialik
Izabela is from Poland and has lived in the Netherlands since 2008. Her work at Fonkelzorg has become her great passion. To this end, she was trained at Fonkelzorg to do proper triage.
Languages: Polish, English and Dutch.

Urszula Kwiatkowksa
Urzula is from Poland and moved to the Netherlands in 2009 for a better life. In Poland she studied English and at Fonkelzorg she was trained to do telephone triage.
Languages: Polish, English and Dutch.

Daniela Dineva
Daniela is from Bulgaria, but is a true citizen of the world. She has lived and worked in England, Italy and since 2006 in the Netherlands. She has studied HBO-V for 3 years and English literature. She attended triage training at Fonkelzorg.
Languages: Read, write and understand Bulgarian, English, Dutch and Russian.

Ioana Radulescu
Ioana is from Romania and has been living in the Netherlands since 2017. The love ❤️ brought her to the Netherlands. In her homeland she studied philosophy, out of interest in human behavior. If you call for an appointment, you can get Ioana on the phone. She has completed triage training at Fonkelzorg.
Languages: Romanian, English and Dutch.

Aline de Vargas
Aline is from Uruguay and came to the Netherlands in 2016. She studied psychology and is currently pursuing a pre-master’s degree in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at the Open University.
Languages: Spanish, English and Dutch.